Instant Validator
NOTE: Thank You Thunderstone
From all of us at WebTv!
Heres how to make a instant F key Validator,
React's code;
1) goto your file manager
2)create a page with NOTHING on it (just a file name)
3)save it at the file
4)view that blank page
5)save that page now in your favorites
6)re-edit the page and put this script on it and nothing else and very first thing!!!
7)now go assign that to a F key shortcut and you have a instant validator. (note, yes I know the +" is off the ending of the code, its the only way it works!!!)
The old way was the script below;
If the document referrer works for you use that one if the history previous doesnt for the upgraded plus, I needed the history one!!!
Cut and Paste Workstation
Heres How to Make A Cut and Paste F key shortcut;
by me;
Simplified instructions revised by MiMir, to make the C&P shortcut easier to explain; he couldn't get it to work at geocities yet, but works great at tripod anyway;
1. Go to your account at Tripod and create a new page called clips.html (or whatever.html)
2. After "saving" the page with some basic html in it.... go back to the Housekeeper and "Edit" this page again
NOTE; make sure you go back to your housekeeper , dont skip this step by useing your back button......
3. Edit the page again, While in the "edit" mode...."Save" it in Favorites and assign it to an F key
4. Hit "Use this html" to "save" it each time you add stuff
The # of files you do this with is only limited by your number of F keys.... (or the next trick below of 32 favorites at the touch of a button)
WHAT you do with this is only limited by your imagination ;-)
32 Favorites on a F key
A expansion on the Idea above to have 32 at the touch of the F key shortcut,
1)create a new folder at webtv favorites
2)make a bunch of Cut and Paste files and save them them all in your new webtv favorites folder like above, in the directions.
3) rename them at webtv favorites each save or they will all be titled the same, to avoid confusion later, :-)
4) when done, save the webtv folder you just made in another folder,
5) now you have a folder inside of a folder, understand~?~ put that on a favorite Key and you can have a quick jump to 32 editor files for cut and paste or whatever if you want,
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