Biography of Nostradamus           Nostradamus which is Latin for Micheal de Norte Dame, was born at 12:00p.m. on the14th of December, 1503. He was born in Saint-Remy, France. His ancestors were all Jewish but because of the Edict of the king of F rance in 1501 his parents were baptized along with all the other Jews in France. Micheal and his four brothers were born Christians and were baptized. Not much is known about Michael's other four brothers. At a young age it was realized that Michael was very bright. Michael's early education was left to his grandfather, Jean. His grandfather taught him the rudiments of Mathematics, Greek, Latin, and the first rules of celestial science: Astrology.           When his grandfather died Michael attended Avignon to learn about the liberial arts of the famous Renaissance artists. Nostradamus continued to study the stars much to his fathers dislike. Soon his father grew tired of this and sent him to Montipellier to study Medicine. He obtained a license to pratice medicine in 1522 and then went to the countryside to aid those who were victims of the plague called The Black Death.           In 1534, he moved to Agen, France where he meet a young girl and married her. His wife's name is unknown. Soon the plague hit Agen and Michael lost his wife and both of his children to Black Death. His wife's parents tried to sue Michael for the death of the wife and kids.           In 1544, Michael appeared in Marseilles, France after having disappeared for six years. There he fought another outburst of the plague. That November the town suffered a major flood. The waters were filled with corpses of m en and animals.           Michael moved to Salon where he would live for the rest of his life. In 1547, he married Anne Ponsart Gemelle. After 1550, Michael produced a yearly Almanac. He later decided to move into a larger range of prophecies.           By 1555, Michael had completed the first part of his book Centuries which contained prophecies from his time till the year 3797. The book contained four-line verses called quatrains. They are considered to be vague and general because they do not clearly say what is to occur. Some quatrains contain Hebrew, Latin, and Portugese words making them hard to translate. The name Centuries refers to the fact that it is ten volumes long. It contains the greater part of his one thousand prophecies. No other famous non-biblical prophet wrote nearly four thousand lines of closely packed details of events centuries after his or her death. His prophecies could not be understood well until they were interpreted looking back at ev ents that had just occured. The predictions described the fates of: France, Rome, the world, and celebrated persons. Because there were very few dates and the fact that they were not arranged in chronological order they have been reinterpreted many times .           Possible predictions made by Michael IF you want to believe them to be real, include: The Great Fire of London (1666), the deaths of several French monarchs, the French Revolution, WW1, WW2, Napolean, Hitler, Sadam Hussain, the deaths of Yatsik Rabin and Yasser Arifat, human flight, rockets, the space program, several attempts to kill the Pope, and even the end of the world.           His fame spread quickly across France and Europe on the strength of his prophecies. His book was not yet finished. Michael had completed the first three centuries and part of the fourth.           His works became quite the dislike of the Royal Court of France. Catherine de Medici sent for Michael to come to Court. On August 15, 1556, Michael and the queen spoke for several hours. King Henri II granted Michael a bri ef audience and was not very interested.           Two weeks later Michael was again called upon by the queen. This time she bestowed upon him the task of drawing out a horoscope of the seven Valois children. Many people believe he already knew about their lives and had in cluded them in his predictions. The contents of the horoscopes still remains a mystery.           In 1564, Cathrine, now Queen Regent toured France and came to Salon to visit Michael. She ate dinner with him and there she made him Physician in Ordinary, which gave him a salary and other benefits.           But by around this time it was realized that the end was near for Michael. He made his will on the 17th of June, 1566. On the 1st of July he sent for a priest to give him the last preparations for the after life. When the priest took leave from Michael, Michael told him that he would not be alive the next day. Michael de Norte Dame also known as Nostradamus died on July 2nd, 1566. He was buried upright in one of the walls of the Church of the Cordeliers in Salon. During the French Revolution some superstitious soilders opened his tomb. His remain were moved to the Church of St. Laurent in Salon, where he remains till this day.